Eclectic Reentry Services, LLC is dedicated to providing a wide range of correctional reentry programs and services to facilitate successful reintegration into society. Our programs are tailored to address various needs and challenges faced by individuals transitioning from incarceration to community living.

Day Reporting Centers

Our Day Reporting Center model offers structured programs that focus on accountability, skill-building, and reintegration support to individuals on probation or parole.
Residential Treatment Centers

Our Residential Treatment Center model provides comprehensive therapeutic interventions and support for individuals with behavioral health needs, substance abuse issues, and co-occurring disorders.
Electronic Monitoring

Our Electronic Monitoring programs offer innovative solutions for effective supervision and monitoring of individuals, promoting compliance with court orders and conditions of release.
Residential Reenntry Centers

Our Residential Reentry Service model focuses on creating a supportive and structured environment to assist individuals in transitioning from incarceration to community living, promoting successful reentry and reducing recidivism.